Aplinkiniai á Jûsø automobilio sirenos kaukimà tikrai neraguos ir neapsaugos jo.
Statistika rodo, kad 99% automobiliø pavagiami tuomet, kada vairuotojas randasi tokiu atstumu nuo maðinos, kad negali matyti savo automobilio.
“ALPHA-2000” – neturinti analogø pasaulinëje automobiliø apsaugos sistemø rinkoje naujovë , kuri iðtisà parà ne tiktai saugos Jûsø automobilá , bet ir nuolat apie jo bûklæ informuos Jus.
“ALPHA-2000” sistemos yra pagamintos pagal paþangiausias technologijas.
Jûs galite kontroliuoti apsaugos sistemà spausdamas bet kurá klaviðà pultelyje ir vizualiai matyti visas atliekamas funkcijas skystø kristalø monitoriuje.
Sistemos modulis praneða Jums vizualiai , garsu arba vibruodamas apie bet koká bandymà ásibrauti, nuvaryti , atrakinti , sujudinti ar kitaip pakenkti Jûsø automobiliui.
Dagiafunkcijinë “ALPHA-2000” sistema leidþia jums pajusti didþiausià komfortà naudojantis ávairiomis sistemos funkcijomis ir bûti ramiam, nes sistema “ALPHA-2000” pasirûpins Jûsø automobilio saugumu 24 val per parà.
Netgi atviro uþgrobimo atveju (prievarta iðlaipinant ið uþvesto automobilio) , “ALPHA-2000” sistemos pagalba, Jûs bûdamas iki 1000 metrø atstumu nuo automobilio, galite uþblokuoti savo automobilá , neleisdami paðaliniams asmenims juo pasinaudoti.
“ALPHA-2000”- tai:
-Signalizacija, imobilaizeris ir pedþeris;
-Abipusis (Two-way) nuolatinis ryðys su Jûsø automobiliu;
-Distancinis variklio uþvedimas;
-Programuojamas variklio uþvedimas,paðildymas,automatinis akumuliatoriaus pakrovimas;
-Automobilio salono paðildymas, temperatûros æsanèios salono viduje parodymai pultelyje;
-Automobilio paieðka;
-Automobilio variklio darbo blokavimas esant atstumu iki 1000 metrø nuo jo;
-Praneðimai savininkui apie automobilio bûklæ, æsanèiam atstumu iki 1300 metrø nuo automobilio ;
-Automatinis maðinos atrakinimas tik Jums priejus prie automobilio;
-Vairuotojo iðkvietimas;
-Laikrodis ir þadintuvas;
-Begalës programuojamø funkcijø;
-Patrauklios ypatybës ir dar daug,daug papildomø funkcijø.
Daugiau informacijos Jûs galite rasti:
“ALPHA-2000” Two-Way Communication Car Alarm and Starter System Remote Control (4000ft Range)- it is new revolution in car security !
Key Specifications/Special Features:
•Keylessentry without pressing the button of remote
•Ignitionauto-door lock/unlock
•Cardriver paging (option)
•Trunk release
•Personal system set-up on the remote control
•Wide,illuminated remote control LCD screen
•Temporary lock for remote control buttons
•System override valet
•Automaticdiagnostics of the system's status
•Operation error report
•Battery low warning
•Programmable personal alarm clock
•Built-incentral power door lock relay
•Passive door lock
•Fiveselection of different personal alarm sound
•Automatic illumination of the dome light when disarming
•Indoor temperature monitoring on the LCD screen (option)
•Alarm features
•Arming and disarming
•Door open sensing
•Shock sensing •Start disable in arming status (immobilizer)
•Passive arming
•Hidden alarm
•Remote control vibrates when the system is triggered
•Beep sounds and icon flashes on the LCD screen when the system is
•LCDscreen illumination when the system is triggered
•Emergency panic alarm
•Engine start features:
•Remote engine start
•Programmable engine-start
•Cold weather start
•Automatic recharge of vehicle's battery
•Turbo timer function
•Convenience features:
•Automatic door lock/unlock
Key Specifications/Special Features:
•Output power is increased almost two-times than the model
AP-B003 and the transmission range is increased to almost double in an open
•SAW filter technology is incorporatedto yield the highest sensitivity
•External design for the Remote Control resembles a miniature mobile phone
•Almost same size as that of the model AP-003
•LCD screen is two times larger than model AP-B003 with a more user-friendly
screen display
•Remote control LCD screen is illuminated with a press of a button
•LCD screen lights-up automatically when the system is triggered
•Remote control vibrates when the system is triggered
•Indoor temperature is indicated on the LCD screen with a press of a button
•Vehicle is disarmed/unlocked, without pressing the button of remote control
(proximity door unlock function)
•Remote Control button temporarily locked to prevent from inadvertent pressing
of buttons by others
•Remote Control functions as your personal alarm clock
•Improved sensitivity for the communication module (TX/RX antenna module)
•The mechanical design is enhanced efficiently to mount easily to the window
blind with a clip
Special Features:
•Versatile and easier installation:
•The system design is so engineered that it is quite versatile for optimum
compatibility with almost all types of cars
•The remote engine starter system functions virtually on all types of vehicles
•Standard transmission geared vehicles
•Diesel-fueled vehicles
•Even on vehicles with Turbo engine
•The communication module is designed to mount easily with a clip to the window
blind of the vehicle
•RF carrier: FM two-way
•Frequency: 433.92MHz,
•Antenna impedance: 50 ohm
•Output power: 5mW
•Sensitivity: 120dBm
•Operating temperature: -30C to +80C
•Battery: alkaline 1.5V AAA
•Size of remote controller: 72 x 40.5 x 18.5 mm (HxWxD)
Sumontavus “ALPHA-200” Jūsų automobilyje, Jums nereikės žvalgytis pro langą kad isitikintumete, ar niekas nebando pakenkti Jūsų automobiliui. Jį Jūs matysite 24 valandas per parą.
Pastaba: Tai sistemos kaina su sumontavimu. Garantija –1 metai.
Turite klausimų?... Rašykite mums adresu: gdj777@iname.com (Nepamirškite nurodyti savo atgalinio adreso).