VIetnamas (Vietnamo Demokratinės Respublika) 1988 metu leidymas
200-500-1000-2000 Dong su Ho Ši Mino portretu
200 Dong UNC 1987. Red-brown and tan on multicolor underprint. Ho Chí Minh at right, arms at left center. Back: Field workers at left and tractor at center right. UV: fibers fluoresce red and blue;
500 Dong UNC 1988 (1989). Red-brown and red on multicolor underprint.Ho Chi Minh at right, arms at left. Back: Dockside view. UV: fibers fluoresce yellow
1000 Dong UNC 1988 (1989). Purple on gold and multicolor underprint. Ho Chi Minh at right, arms at left center. Back: Elephant logging at center. UV: fibers fluoresce red and blue.
2000 Dong UNC 1988 (1989). Brownish purple on lilac and multicolor underprint. Ho Chi Minh at right, arms at left. Back: Women workers in textile factory. UV: fibers fluoresce yellow and blue.
UNC iš banko įpakavimu
Miestas - KLAIPĖDA
Siunčiu - Lietuvos paštas registruotas laiškas 5Lt
Atsiskaitymai - grynais Klaipėdos miesto centre, pavėdymas į SEB banka
Kaina 10Lt už keturios