24-11-25 08:59

Bulgarija 1951m. 3-5-10-25-50-100-200 Leva UNC

Prekė Nr.:7397194 1951, Bulgaria

Kainų siūlymai

2013-10-20 14:49
28.00 Lt (8.11 €)
2013-10-20 14:48
27.00 Lt (7.82 €)
2013-10-20 14:48
26.00 Lt (7.53 €)
2013-10-18 16:50
25.00 Lt (7.24 €)
2013-10-18 15:02
24.00 Lt (6.95 €)
2013-10-18 14:59
19.00 Lt (5.50 €)
2013-10-18 14:59
18.00 Lt (5.21 €)
2013-10-18 02:17
11.00 Lt (3.19 €)
2013-10-18 02:17
10.00 Lt (2.90 €)
2013-10-17 15:37
3.00 Lt (0.87 €)
2013-10-17 15:37
2.00 Lt (0.58 €)
2013-10-17 12:41
1.00 Lt (0.29 €)
  • Aprašymas
    Bankinis stovis. Banknotai nebuvo apyvartoje.
    3 Leva UNC 1951. Deep olive-green on green and orange underprint. Arms at
    Back: Upright hands holding hammer and sickle.Watermark: BNB with hammer and sickle.
    a. Issued note.

    5 Leva UNC 1951.
    Blue and green. Arms at left center.
    Back: Upright hands holding hammer and sickle.
    Watermark: BNB with hammer and sickle.
    a. Issued note.

    10 Leva UNC 1951.
    Red-brown on multicolor underprint. Farm tractor at right.
    Back: G. Dimitrov at left, arms at right.
    Watermark: BNB with hammer and sickle.
    a. Issued note.

    25 Leva UNC 1951.
    Gray blue on multicolor underprint. Railroad construction at center.
    Back: G. Dimitrov at left, arms at right.
    Watermark: BNB with hammer and sickle.
    a. Issued note

    50 Leva UNC 1951.
    Brown on multicolor underprint. Peasant woman with baskets of roses at center. Back: G. Dimitrov at left, arms at
    Watermark: BNB with hammer and sickle.
    a. Issued note

    100 Leva UNC 1951.
    Green and blue on multicolor underprint. Woman picking grapes in vineyard.
    Back: G. Dimitrov at left, arms at
    Watermark: Hammer and sickle.
    a. Issued note

    200 Leva UNC 1951.
    Gray-blue and black on multicolor underprint. Farmers harvesting tobacco at center.
    Back: G. Dimitrov at left, arms at
    Watermark: Hammer and sickle.
    a. Issued note.

    Siunčiu - Lietuvos paštas registruotas laiškas 5Lt

    Atsiskaitymai - grynais Klaipėdos miesto centre, pavėdymas į SEB banka
  • Kita informacija
    Prekės būklė: Nebetinkama tiesioginiam vartojimui
    Buvimo vieta: Klaipėda
    Apžiūrėta kartų: 162
  • Prenumeratos
    Kategorija - Bonistika (banknotai)
    Požymiai -1951,Bulgaria
24-11-25 08:59