24-07-08 01:36

1949 NATO Defense Treaty - Bronze Commemorative Me

Prekė Nr.:1551418

Kainų siūlymai

2008-06-13 01:02
10.00 Lt (2.90 €)
  • Aprašymas
    Medalis bronzinis gerai islaikytas , 45 mm DIAMETER - 1.75 inch diameter , parduosiu uz kiek nupirksite ...

    As a continuation of Truman's "containment" policy, NATO deterred Russia from occupying additional European countries. Equally important, NATO protected the economic recovery of the nations of Western Europe that the Marshall Plan had made possible. The heart of the treaty was Article 5 which declared; "The parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all," and that member nations would be obligated to come to the aid of one another. Ironically,

    NATO members came to the aid of the United States when the U.S. was attacked on September 11th; NATO forces were sent to Afghanistan to engage terrorists.

  • Kita informacija
    Prekės būklė: Nauja
    Buvimo vieta: Vilnius (akropolis)
    Apžiūrėta kartų: 109
  • Prenumeratos
    Kategorija - Kitų šalių medaliai, apdovanojimai ir kita
    Požymiai -
24-07-08 01:36