25-03-04 18:03

Egiptas 23 m.rink. 50p.-1p. 2015-21 UNC

Prekė Nr.:40086290 1945, 2015, Egypt, Unc, Pound


  • Aprašymas

    Monetų BŪKLĖ - UNC (Naujos)

    Egypt set of 23 coins:

    1 pound 2015 (1436) "Suez Canal" BiMetallic UNC  
    1 pound 2019 (1440) "New Benevolent Bridges in Asyut" BiMetallic UNC  
    1 pound 2019 (1440) "New Capital Egypt" BiMetallic UNC
    1 pound 2019 (1440) "Zohr Gas Field" BiMetallic UNC
    1 pound 2019 (1440) "Alamain New City" BiMetallic UNC
    1 pound 2019 (1440) "New Egyptian Countryside" BiMetallic UNC
    1 pound 2019 (1440) "Power Stations" BiMetallic UNC
    1 pound 2019 (1440) "National Roads Network" BiMetallic UNC
    1 pound 2019 (1440) "Solar Energy Farms in Aswan" BiMetallic UNC
    1 pound 2019 (1441) "Ministry of Social Solidarity" BiMetallic UNC  
    1 pound 2021 (1442) "Egypt medical teams" BiMetallic UNC
    1 pound 2021 (1442) "Police Day - 69 Years" BiMetallic UNC
    50 piastres 2015 (1436) "Suez Canal" UNC
    50 piastres 2019 (1440) "New Benevolent Bridges in Asyut" UNC
    50 piastres 2019 (1440) "New Capital Egypt" UNC
    50 piastres 2019 (1440) "Zohr Gas Field" UNC
    50 piastres 2019 (1440) "Alamain New City" UNC
    50 piastres 2019 (1440) "New Egyptian Countryside" UNC
    50 piastres 2019 (1440) "Solar Energy Farms in Aswan" UNC
    50 piastres 2019 (1440) "National Roads Network" UNC
    50 piastres 2019 (1440) "Power Stations" UNC
    50 piastres 2021 (1442) "Ministry of Social Solidarity" UNC
    50 piastres 2021 (1442) "Egypt medical teams" UNC


    Prekes galima atsiimti VILNIUJE. Susitarus taip pat galima pristatyti į Panevėžį ir Kauną. Į kitus miestus prekės siunčiamos paštu.  

    Siuntimo išlaidas apmoka pirkėjas.  

    Monetos siunčiamos registruotu laišku:  

    1-3 monetos - 1.20 EUR.   
    4 ir daugiau monetų - 1.50 EUR.

  • Kita informacija
    Prekės būklė: Nauja
    Buvimo vieta: Vilnius
    Apžiūrėta kartų: 8
  • Prenumeratos
    Kategorija - Numizmatika (monetos)
    Požymiai -1945,2015,Egypt,Unc,Pound
25-03-04 18:03