24-10-09 09:25

Surinamas 10 centų 1987 m., KM#13a, AUnc

Prekė Nr.:38661951 1987, Surinam, AlmUncirc


  • Aprašymas

    Surinamas Suriname 1987


    10 Cents

    Nemagnetinis lydinys, dėmelė averse

    Although the Standard Catalog of World Coins states that KM#13a is made of nickel plated steel, no magnetic coins were identified. This questions the statement of composition, although not all steel is magnetic. Muntalmanak doesn't mention a change in composition after 1987, but isn't sure about its source (personal communication). All considering it seems likely that there is no change in composition and that there shouldn't be a difference between KM#13 and KM#13a.

    2.0 g. Nikeliu dengtas plienas / Nickel Plated Steel, 16 mm.
    Stovis AUNC
    Monetos pavyzdžio nuotrauka iš interneto
    Pirkėjai, negalintys atsiimti prekės Vilniuje, apmoka siuntimo išlaidas.
  • Kita informacija
    Prekės būklė: Nauja
    Buvimo vieta: Vilnius
    Apžiūrėta kartų: 4
  • Prenumeratos
    Kategorija - Numizmatika (monetos)
    Požymiai -1987,Surinam,AlmUncirc
24-10-09 09:25