24-06-15 04:44

JAV doleris 2014 D, Native American, KM#575, BU

Prekė Nr.:13657150

Kainų siūlymai

2017-01-29 16:54
2.30 €
  • Aprašymas

    Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos

    United States of America
    2014 D


    One Dollar

    Native American - Native Hospitality Ensured the Success of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

    Design by Chris Costello depicts a Native American man offering a pipe while standing behind his wife as she offers provisions of fish, corn, roots and gourds. Shown in the background is a stylized image of the face of Captain William Clark’s compass, highlighting the northwest quadrant of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Inscriptions surrounding the scene read UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and $1. Joseph Menna sculpted Costello’s design.


    26.4 mm, 8.0700 g. Copper-Zinc-Manganese-Nickel Clad Copper, 26.5 mm.
    Stovis BU
    Monetos pavyzdžio nuotrauka iš interneto
    Pirkėjai, negalintys atsiimti prekės Vilniuje, apmoka siuntimo išlaidas.
  • Kita informacija
    Prekės būklė: Nauja
    Buvimo vieta: Vilnius
    Apžiūrėta kartų: 17
  • Prenumeratos
    Kategorija - Numizmatika (monetos)
    Požymiai -
24-06-15 04:44